jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

My summer plans.....

Resultado de imagen para playaWell, I still don’t have any plans for this summer but if you have to ask me now, I would have to say maybe I will pass with my family this summer and with a few friends too, especially with my friends of the university because I wasn’t close with my classmates from the school, and the things I will do with my friends are, for example, go to Bella for a drink, go to a discos or any party, the most of the things I will want to do with my friends are having a good time. 
Resultado de imagen para playaAnd the things I will do with my family are having a familiar vacations, going to places like the beach or visit my grandmother house or visit my uncles in Antofagasta because I was born in that city like my parents and sister so that kind of things I will do with them. But obviously the thing I going to do in this summer is definitely watch my favorite series like Mr. Robot or Orphan Black, and I would like to read my favorite books, like for example, Inferno or Angels and Demons, both of them of the same author. And finally if you have to ask me if I would like to work this summer, I will answer yes I would like, perhaps in a shop or something. 

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

My favorite movie....

Resultado de imagen para interstellarMy favorite movie is Interstellar, a science fiction movie directed by Christopher Nolan, and it is my favorite movie because the film covers a family story, in specific, the relationship between a father, who will make everything for his children, and a daughter, who doesn’t want his father leave her. It covers topics of science fiction too, but I want to said that the science fiction in the movie is more science than fiction because the film talk about black holes, travel between galaxies, the possibility of colonize others planets, in general, theoretical science. And the movie covers a topic very important today, that is the global warming and how in the future that can affect us very badly. I saw this movie last year with my sister in the cinema but I saw her too a few days in Netflix. Well the last movie I saw, if I can remember, is Suicide Squad in internet, this movie to me is awesome, I like it very much but the kind of movie I really like to watch is the science fiction movies, in specific that kind of movie that talk about existential topic, a very good example is Matrix because question the reality and mixes with topics of artificial intelligence. And well that kind of movie I like to saw with interesting stories.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

My favorite book....

Dan Brown bookjacket cropped.jpgFirst I would like to star saying that my favorite author is Dan Brown. He is an American author of thriller fiction who is best known for the 2003 bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code. He was born in 1964 in New Hampshire and his last novel he wrote was Inferno in 2013, this novel is adapted into film in 2016. 
Resultado de imagen para dan brown infernoThis book, Inferno, is my favorite book and it is about a Harvard University professor Robert Langdon who wake up in a hospital in Florence, Italy with a head wound and no memory of the last few days, and with the help of Sienna Brooks, one of the doctors attending to him, he have to stop a biological threat with the only clue he have, a modified version of Botticelli's Map of Hell, which itself is based on Dante's Inferno. 
That is the plot and this is the last book I read actually and I definitely recommend it by the different topics covered in this book, for example, the famous book of Dante Alighieri, the different places in Florence that describes and the interesting topics of science. This is the kind of books I would like, the thriller and fiction books.     

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

My best holiday.....

Resultado de imagen para disney world

Well my best holiday were in United States, in Orlando Florida, more specifically in Disney World, two years ago with my family, my parents and my three sisters, and the long of this holiday was three weeks I thing, I don’t remember so much how long was but approximately was three week of a completely familiar vacations. 
Resultado de imagen para orlando floridaBut the things I remember until today it is the surprise when my parents told us, me and my three sisters, that we going to Disney World and the things we did in Orlando, for example: we visited the most of the parks in Disney World, there were five approximately, most of them were very big and with many attractions so we had to decide which one get in, also we swam in the pool of the hotel, we went to a mall in Orlando and my sisters and mother bought many clothes, shoes and other things and we took, obviously, pictures in the parks we visited, but if I want to choose the best thing so far in my travel to Disney World, it was the time I had with my family. So that was my best holiday until today.