jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Nepal, a country of dreams....

Resultado de imagen para nepalNepal is one of the many countries i would like to visit in the future, in fact, the mystical of the Himalayas, his culture and the diferent people you can know in that country, open many posibilities of a good and amazing journey. The things i know today about this country maybe is not very much or maybe more specific but i think it is enough to tell why i would like to visit: Nepal is located in the highest peaks of the Himalayas, whit the most beautiful and ancients temples that represent his culture and notorious religiosity and perfect places to practice trekking. And highlighting the temples, his capital, Katmandú, have the most of buddhism and hinduism temples in the country and also many images of cats.
In Nepal i would like to do trekking in the Himalayas because of beauty and more important to know or explore one of the most high places of the world. And also explore the temples in Katmandú knowing his ancient culture. Finally i will like to study his culture and language, specifically his religion and history so interesting for me.                                                                              

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