martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

My final blog.......

Resultado de imagen para lenguajeFor me learning English in the University is most, how I can say more enriching or most satisfactory that studied English in the school, because the program it is more dynamic, more practice that theory, in the school most of the English that teach you is grammar even more than vocabulary, but for me the vocabulary it served, but the bad thing is that you can’t use or practices the vocabulary that you learned. And the use for blogs it is incredible, even the funny thing I didn’t use or know to create a blog in the past, actually now I maybe kipped this blog and maybe I going to write other things, I don’t know, the TV series I watch every weekend or in my free time, even I will write about my entire family or my dogs. The aspects of English I need to improve are specially the vocabulary and my accent, and what plan I have? Well I thing I going to see many TV series in English, and movies too, that is common but it works. These days I feel that use more English when I use internet and reed many blogs, of course the most of this blogs are in English but before I didn’t read blogs in English, in other situation I fell like use more English is helping my little sister with her homework and helping with an exam or test of her English signature. And that is the English experience I lived.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Changes to my study programme.....

Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile logoIf I have to change the study programme of my career, first  I start with the curriculum, specially the subjects of the first semester, because many of them, in my opinion, are very unnecessary for the career or even some of them exist to fill the curriculum, for example, microeconomic in the first semester and macroeconomic in the second semester perfectly his topics can be teaching in one subject in one semester, or history of laws can be an elective subject and not an obligatory subject and maybe we can have sociology like an obligatory subject because in my opinion this subjects and his topics are more related with the career. Secondly obviously I change the faculty facilities, like for example the library because is really small for a universe of 3.000 students in the faculty, the casino because has leaks in the ceiling, and that is a problem in winter, especially when rains and the classrooms in the Pio Nono building with the broken chairs. In third place I change the teaching methods of teachers in most of the subjects, focusing these methods to most application and least theory because we are being prepare as professionals and we need to know how we can use all the knowledge we acquire in the university. Finally the workload and length of studies in the most of the classes, for me, are fine, and the technology that is use in the most even all of teachers to teach us are completely ok.